Eular 2013


The next EULAR Annual European Congress of Rheumatology will take place from 12-15 June 2013 in Madrid, Spain. The annual EULAR congress is now a major event in the calendar of world rheumatology. As have previous congresses during the last decade, Madrid 2013 will provide a unique event for the exchange of scientific and clinical [...]

2nd International Conference on Regenerative Orthopedics and Tissue Engineering


 The Department of Medical Sciences of The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in cooperation with the Department of Biotechnology University of Rijeka is proud to announce the 2nd edition of the “International Conference on Regenerative Orthopedics and Tissue Engineering”, to be held in Opatija, Croatia on September 21-22, 2012. You can find more information on [...]

EULAR 2011, London, 25. – 28. svibnja 2011.


EULAR (The European League Against Rheumatism) godišnji kongres će se održati u Londonu od 25. - 28. svibnja 2011. godine.Za više informacija posjetite  EULAR kongres za 2012. godinu će se održati u Berlinu između 6. i 9. lipnja 2012. godine.

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